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Website Categories

Choose to allow or block access to any of the categories below



  • ​General Internet (ex. Email, Banking, Travel)


  • Shopping (ex. Amazon, Walmart, Target, Zara)


  • Sports (ex. ESPN, NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL)


  • Games (ex. Roblox, MineCraft, GameStop)


  • News (ex. Fox News, CNN, NY Times)


  • Radio/Music Stream (Spotify)


  • TV Streaming (Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, etc.)


  • Entertainment (Celebrity sites, Movie reviewsMovie news)


  • Social Media (ex. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok)


  • Mature Content (ex. Drugs, Violence, Gambling)

Website Categories

Choose to allow or block access to any of the categories below



  • ​General Internet (ex. Email, Banking, Travel)


  • Shopping (ex. Amazon, Walmart, Target, Zara)


  • Sports (ex. ESPN, NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL)


  • Games (ex. Roblox, MineCraft, GameStop)


  • News (ex. Fox News, CNN, NY Times)​​


  • Entertainment (Spotify, Netflix, Celebrity information)


  • Social Media (ex. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok)


  • Mature Content (ex. Drugs, Violence, Gambling)

Image Filter​

Filters videos as well (not perfect)​






Choose from the following options:​​

  1. No image filter (although the filter forces Safe Search on Google and also blocks explicit websites, it will not block any images found anywhere else on the internet)

  2. Fully block both explicit and highly immodest images (ex. swimwear, intimate apparel)*​​​

*see disclaimers​​​​​​​​​​​

Example of Level 2

(Depending on the level you choose, only the pictures in that level will be covered,

but they will be fully covered)










Image Filter

​*PLEASE NOTE: The image filter only takes effect on images and NOT VIDEOS. Videos need to either be all opened or all blocked. However, this setting can be set differently for each of the categories above.


Choose from the following options:​​

  1. Fully block explicit images

  2. Fully block highly immodest images (ex. swimwear, intimate apparel)

  3. Block all skin​




Examples of Level 1-2

(Depending on the level you choose, only the pictures in that level will be covered,

but they will be fully covered)









Example of Level 3

(Only skin will be covered over but the rest of the image will show)




Choose from the following options:​



  1. YouTube Restricted Mode Moderate (blocks explicit content)

  2. YouTube Restricted Mode Strict (blocks violence and swearing) AND block more inappropriate content (based on certain keywords)​​*

  3. Block all YouTube​​​

  4. *see disclaimers​​​​​​​​​​



Choose from the following options:​



  1. YouTube Restricted Mode Moderate (blocks explicit content)

  2. YouTube Restricted Mode Strict (blocks violence and swearing)

  3. Block more inappropriate content (based on certain keywords)​​​

  4. Filter YouTube categorically

    • Education

    • How To

    • Cars

    • Travel

    • Sports

    • Gamming

    • News & Politics

    • Music

    • People & BlogsEntertainment, TV/Movies

  5. Block YouTube but allow single videos upon request

  6. Block all YouTube


Additional Options

  • Block YouTube Shorts (they can't be filtered, its all or nothing)

  • Clean homepage and no suggested videos


$10/month OR $96/year

for 3 devices



$35 installation

per device


$45/3 months OR $170/year

per device



$35 installation

per device


1. Canopy is not a personal filter, it is a parental controls program. Unlike the other filters that are managed by the filter companies and have a 24 hour request system, Canopy requires you to have someone (parent, friend, spouse) who will manage your account and approve/decline your requests manually.


2. The image filter and YouTube filter levels go hand in hand. So if you choose level 2 for the image filter, it will set YouTube to level 2 as well.

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