For best results we recommend viewing this page from a computer instead of a phone/tablet
MB Smart
MB Smart Pro
Website and App Store Categories
Choose to allow or block access to any of the categories below
​General Internet (ex. Email, Banking, Travel)
Shopping (ex. Amazon, Walmart, Target)
Sports (ex. ESPN, NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL)
Games (ex. Roblox, MineCraft, GameStop)
News (ex. Fox News, CNN, NY Times)
Media/Entertainment (ex. Spotify, Netflix, Hulu)
Social Media (ex. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok)
Mature Content (ex. Drugs, Violence, Gambling)​​
Image Filter
Although the filter forces Safe Search on Google, which blocks explicit images, and also blocks explicit websites, it does not block any images, even explicit found anywhere else on the internet.
Website and App Store Categories
Choose to allow or block access to any of the categories below
General Internet (ex. Email, Banking, Travel)
Shopping (ex. Amazon, Walmart, Target)
Sports (ex. ESPN, NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL)
Games (ex. Roblox, MineCraft, GameStop)
News (ex. Fox News, CNN, NY Times)
Media/Entertainment (ex. Spotify, Netflix, Hulu)
Social Media (ex. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok)
Mature Content (ex. Drugs, Violence, Gambling)​
Image Filter
Only takes effect on images, NOT VIDEOS. Videos need to either be all open or all blocked across the entire internet.
Choose from the following options:
Fully block explicit images
Fully block highly immodest image (ex. swimwear, intimate apparel)
Fully block all immodest images (ex. low cut clothing)
Fully block all images of women
Block women's skin
Example of Options 1-4
(Depending on the level you choose, only the pictures in that level will be covered, but they will be fully covered)
Example of Option 5
(Only skin will be covered over but the rest of the image will show)​
MB Smart
MB Smart Pro
Choose from the following options:​
YouTube Restricted Mode Moderate (blocks explicit content)
YouTube Restricted Mode Strict (blocks violence and swearing)
Block all YouTube​
Additional Options
Blur media in Channels​ (but can not fully block them)
Blur Profile Pictures
Block GIFs
Option to block ALL images in:
App Store
Apple Music
Google Maps
$12/3 months OR $46/year
per device
$60 installation and
$40 Google Enterprise enrollment fee
per device​​
Choose from the following options:​
YouTube Restricted Mode Moderate (blocks explicit content)
YouTube Restricted Mode Strict (blocks violence and swearing)
Block more inappropriate content (based on certain keywords)​​
Filter YouTube categorically
How To
News & Politics
People & Blogs
Block YouTube but allow single videos upon request (only from the categories that you choose to be allowed)
Block all YouTube
Additional Options
Block YouTube Shorts (they can't be filtered, its all or nothing)
Block/Allow all videos within a specific YouTube channel
Clean homepage and no suggested videos
Block ads
Additional Options
Blur media in Channels​ (but can not fully block them)
Blur Profile Pictures
Block GIFs
Option to block ALL images in:
App Store
Apple Music
Google Maps
$19.50/3 months OR $75/year
per device
$60 installation and
$40 Google Enterprise enrollment fee
per device​​
1. In order to properly filter a Chromebook, it first needs to be enrolled in Enterprise mode. Google charges $40 per device for this service.
2. You will have to log in with a new email and only once you've logged in to the Chromebook will you be able to log in to your regular Google account.​
3. The Chromebook will be wiped during the filter process.